The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Sunday March 9th

Impeachments postponed, may be readdressed in Fall

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SGA impeachment trials will not be taking place this semester because of time constraints.

SGA President, Christopher Portera, announced the decision at the meeting on Wednesday. Portera explained that because of the upcoming SGA elections and the newly elected SGA members that will be in position in upcoming weeks, he feels he "cannot mandate that these trials take place."

Those members being impeached must be notified at least one week prior to the trials, and Portera felt there would be no appropriate time for these trials to happen.

This decision comes after the choice two weeks ago to postpone the trial hearings because of internal communication issues within SGA.

Portera made this decision with the input of many of his fellow leaders and advisers, who all agreed that this was the best solution given the circumstances.

To aid students in the registration process, "Pick-a-Prof," a new professor evaluation program similar to "Virtual Ratings," will be introduced as part of records and registration.

This new program is being put together by the academic affairs committee and has already received start-up funding from the Student Finance Board.

Jamie Gusrang, vice president of academic affairs, and Marc Cichocki, senator of engineering, said the program, will have professor ratings, average grades and professor teaching styles similar to "Virtual Ratings," but will provide more accurate and reliable information.

The purpose of "Pick-a-Prof" is so that students can find professors that will best match their learning style.

The information on the site will come directly from students, although there will be some censorship of ranting or expletives. Professors at the College will have no say over what goes on the site.

According to Nadia Gorski, executive vice president, the recent campaign opposing the budget cuts has been very successful thus far.

The rally and the letter writing campaign sponsored by SGA have been a good start, and now members are encouraged to participate further by contacting legislatures directly to oppose the budget cuts.

Joe Urbanski, associate member, informed SGA that the SGA Rally was recognized by the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) as program of the month for March.

This is the second SGA program this year that has been recognized by the NRHH.


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