conference request went undecided after Animal Rights NJ failed to appear last week.
SFB adjourned after waiting 30 minutes for the club, whose request to attend a national conference in late June was the only business on the agenda.
Chairperson Ren?e Marchioni said that when no club representatives show for their requests, they can still be heard at a future meeting.
The organizations, "have to tell us when they're ready to be back on the agenda, and we'll put them on it then," she said.
Assistant chairperson Janelle Williams said Animal Rights NJ representatives told her several hours before the meeting that they would be there.
The group is asking for $699 to send four members to a Washington, D.C. animal-rights conference. A bulk of the request is for hotel costs.
According to the group's application, the trip's total cost is $954, but Animal Rights NJ will contribute $255 from its own budget and fundraising.
As SFB waited, members watched the clock, looked for Animal Rights NJ members, discussed their musical tastes and did schoolwork.
Williams searched the Brower Student Center second floor and returned to the meeting to ask for adjournment. Board members packed up and joked about the meeting.
"I wish other meetings were like this," Mike Cilia, SGA vice president of administration and finance, said.