The College's modern language requirement may be eliminated as the institution revises its academic transformation pending the Committee of Academic Planning's (CAP) reaction to a student-composed proposal.
The Student Government Association (SGA) held a workshop to research the students' thoughts regarding a new academic plan.
SGA then wrote a proposal that was based on the formal input of the students.
Chris Portera, SGA president, said the proposal represents what the preliminary resolution of learning could look like. This would then be sent to CAP.
During the workshop there was debate about whether to include the elimination of the modern language requirement in the proposal.
Portera said his personal position on this conflict represents that of the student body. "My responsibility rests in making sure that the greater majority of student concerns are listened to," he said.
Portera is fighting for the proposal as a whole, and said that the modern language element was only a part of the document.
Both Portera and Student Trustee Rohit Thawani are doubtful that CAP will agree with the foreign language proposal.